
A client facing a divorce requires a law firm with the experience, reputation, skill, knowledge, and sensitivity that the Middlesex County divorce attorneys at Brause, Brause & Ventrice, L.L.C., possess. Our attorneys have extensive experience in all aspects of divorce and the laws of the State of New Jersey. Whether your situation is amicable and may be appropriate for resolution through negotiations or mediation, or is acrimonious and requires zealous and aggressive advocacy, we stand ready to represent you and to advance your interests.

A divorce can drastically affect your family’s dynamic. A divorce may involve an array of issues, such as child custody and parenting time, child support, college costs, relocation with children, medical coverage, alimony, the distribution of assets and liabilities, transfer of property, division of retirement accounts, and allocation of legal fees. The divorce attorneys at the Middlesex County firm of Brause, Brause & Ventrice, L.L.C., have extensive experience in all of these areas, and will take the time to consult with you at length to ensure that you are ready to make informed decisions on how to proceed in your individual case.

Every divorce has its own individual nuances and characteristics, and every divorce client has his or her own questions that our attorneys are prepared to discuss and answer. The following are brief answers to some of the many questions that are often heard by the divorce lawyers in our Middlesex County practice.

Contact Our Middlesex County Divorce Lawyers for Representation

For more detailed answers to these and other questions about divorce and family law, contact our Middlesex County law firm. Our firm takes pride in its New Jersey roots, serving Middlesex County and the surrounding communities. For a free initial consultation, call 732-767-0044 or contact us online today to speak with the divorce attorneys at Brause, Brause & Ventrice, L.L.C.

Will I Have the Opportunity to Try to Resolve My Divorce Without a Formal Trial?

You may engage in what is referred to as alternative dispute resolution to try to reach a settlement at any time before either of you files for divorce, and even while your divorce is pending. The attorneys at Brause, Brause & Ventrice, L.L.C. encourage our clients to reach an amicable and expeditious resolution of all issues in their divorce through negotiations, mediation, arbitration, and settlement conferences. In fact, there are stages in the proceedings in which the court will require the parties to try to resolve their cases through mediation. This is an effective way to limit your legal fees so that you may get a fresh start and move on with your lives after your divorce.

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How Long Will It Take for Me to Get a Divorce?

Divorce proceedings range in durations throughout the State of New Jersey. In Middlesex County, it is common for a divorce case to take somewhere between six months and a year from the time that you file your divorce complaint before it will be concluded. The attorneys at Brause, Brause & Ventrice, L.L.C., recognize your desire and need to expedite this process so that you may move on with your life, and we make every effort to work towards a prompt conclusion.

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Will I Have to Prove That Our Marital Problems Are the Fault of My Spouse?

Marital fault has almost no legal significance in the State of New Jersey. For this reason, the large majority of divorces are filed based upon grounds of irreconcilable differences, rather than grounds based upon the fault of one of the parties. The relatively few exceptions may involve cases in which one spouse was subjected to severe abuse during the marriage and where one spouse engaged in some criminal conduct to the detriment of the other spouse.

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  2. 2 Personal Attention & Aggressive Representation
  3. 3 Over 60 Years Combined Experience
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